
Sort of a profile-like introduction:

Nickname: ASBusinessMagnet

Gender: Male-to-female transgender (i.e. a girl)

Birth date: April 30, 1996

Languages I speak/am learning: Lithuanian (native), English (September 2004), Russian (September 2007), French (April 2013), German (July 2014), Esperanto (May 2015)

Fandoms in order of joining: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (July 2005), Portal (December 2008), Homestuck (May 2010), Invader Zim (September 2011), The Hunger Games (June 2012), Axis Powers Hetalia (September 2012), Fluent in 3 Months (March 2013), Welcome to Night Vale (September 2013), The Stanley Parable (February 2014), Kerbal Space Program (May 2014), Steven Universe (June 2015), Inside Out (September 2015), Undertale (December 2015), Pokémon (July 2016)

Pairings I am more interested in: (currently none)

Mutual friends: irenicPie / luemsqiowes / Auraunul, Insane Guy of DOOM / Sue Mary / Mar(r)issaTheWriter, MeAndMyReflection / crawavesse

Former relationships: (too many to list)

Other people in follow: (no one in particular)

You can copy and paste this and re-write this to your own accord, but be sure to note that I made this myself.

Categories and statuses of my stories:

Information on categories overall: The division of fics into categories is actually a lot more complicated than that, as fics tend to be inspired with and interconnected with each other, and a better representation of how everything is related is more like this.

1. Portal 2: The Stupidest Sequel of All Time arc

General information: Follows the adventures of "Ms. Johnson-Rattmann "interdimensionalPortaller"" (read: an AU version of Chell) throughout space and time. Diverges from the ending of Portal / beginning of Portal 2.

1.1. Portal 2: The Stupidest Sequel of All Time

1.2. Portal 2 Episode Two: The Stupidest Sequel of All Time Part Two

1.3. The Inevitable Sunset

1.4. A Holiday Name Here Carol

1.5. Several fics written as interdimensionalPortaller herself

2. Other Portal: The 4th Millennium franchise fics

General information: A shared universe in which Portal 2: The Stupidest Sequel of All Time is set, and then there are some other fics. Most likely done with forever.

2.1. Half-Life 2 Episode Three: The Combine Trolling Continues (an eventually jossed alternate plot)

2.2. Portal: Prelude Convention

2.3. Caroline-on-the-Roof (can be seen as a P:t4M fic, but can also be seen as separate from it)

2.4. Official Fanfiction University: Portal: The 4th Millennium Edition (think one of the countless fan versions of misscam's story)

2.5. The Credits Song

2.6. Her Name is Gladys Rattmann

3. Christmas in July Portal Fic Exchange

General information: A bunch of people give each other prompts for Portal fanfics, then write them out. Released September 1st, 2012, even though the actual release date was postponed by the organizer.

3.1. Reanimating the Dead, Maybe

3.2. The Former Glory Restored

4. The Revival of Rose/Kanaya Fics

General information: There was an incident with patients and horrible fanfic writers, and now I must take it upon myself to, well, revive Rose/Kanaya fanfics. Read: I take what's wrong with me, exaggerate it and have Rose (Quartz hahaha) be in place of me, because, like, tests compare me to her.

4.1. Portal: Stay Inside

4.2. Gothic Emo Girl and First Contact Alien

5. Post-SCrash Session series and other trollfics (TV Tropes)

General information: A trollfic series set in the universe of ITS MY LIFE! I originally wrote much worse-spelled stories that were only on Google Docs, but then I changed my mind.

5.1. Portal: The 4th Millennium: The Trollfic Edition

5.2. That one Rose/Kanaya fanfic that you will find strangely familiar

5.3. Post-SCrash Session

5.4. Enchiridion Marrissa (yes, it's a real document)

5.5. Post-SCrash Session 2: The Belorussian Aliens

5.6. Post-SCrash Session 3: Spectators of the Host

5.7. Additional Discoveries on Marrissaverse History

5.8. MarrissaTheWriter Complete Anthology

5.9. Marissa Roberts: The Girl Behind The Stories

5.10. Post-SCrash Session 4: Parody of a Parade

5.11. Marrissaverse Stories 2015

5.12. The AG 1991 Premiere of Inside Out

5.13. Meanie Pixies' Hour of Fame

5.14. Other trollfic-esque (but not necessarily Marrissa) stories:

5.14.1. Wonka's Paradise City

5.14.2. The stainly Parable

5.14.3. Lion 3: Straight to Trollfic

5.14.4. Inside Riley

6. Return to the Chocolate Factory

General information: Notice how Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the fandom list above somehow got in years before any other fandom and then was forgotten? Sometime in 2013 I happened to remember it, and it inspired all subsequent fanfics by me.

6.1. Violet and the Horrible Fanfic Writer

6.1a. Violet and the Partner in Crime to Literature

6.2. Calliope and the Final Update

6.3. Caliborn's Stories 1: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

6.4. Just Before the Anthology (aka Violet and the Horrible Fanfic Writer v2)

6.5. Cornelia and the Chewing Gum Diva

6.6. Everything Wrong With: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

6.6a. The rest of my CinemaSins parodies

7. Calliope's Update Girl (TV Tropes, related blog)

General information: Gets a separate category because it already has become so damn long and there is a very big chance (I'm not giving the precise number) I might develop this into a shared universe.

7.1. Calliope's Update Girl - Book One (also see the e-book)

7.1.1. Stage 1: Together at Last

7.1.2. Stage 2: Acts of an Unscrupulous Puppetmaster

7.1.3. Loading Screen 1: Scattered yet United

7.1.4. Stage 3: Painful yet Consistent Progression

7.1.5. Stage 4: So You're Karkat Vantas

7.1.6. Stage 5: Her Imperious Condescension

7.1.7. Stage 6: Stupid Important Things

7.2. The Homestuck Character Support Group (Volume 2)

7.2.1. Loading Screen 2: Let's See How Far We've Come

7.2.2. Stage 7: Back and Better than Ever

7.2.3. Stage 8: Hiveswap/Undertale

7.2.4. Stage 9: The Adventures of Thomas and Carl

7.3. Spiritual spinoffs:

7.3.1. Inception of a Masterpiece

7.3.2. The Trials and Tribulations of Homestuck

8. Caliborn's Stories

General information: A spinoff of Calliope's Update Girl, in which Caliborn decides to take on more literary works than just Homestuck/"Homosuck". Also, if you're going to comment on the fact that I'm using coarse language and all caps while commenting on children's movies: don't.

8.1. Caliborn's Stories 2: The Portal Series

8.2. Caliborn's Stories 3: The Half-Life Series

8.3. Caliborn's Stories 4: Little Monsters

8.4. Caliborn's Stories 5: The Stanley Parable

8.5. Caliborn's Stories 6: Madagaskaras

8.6. Caliborn's Stories 7: Minebent (included with Chronicles of Minebent)

8.7. Caliborn's Stories 8: Kerbal Space Program

8.8. Caliborn's Stories 9: BioShock

8.9. Caliborn's Stories 10: Homoloner [Home Alone]

8.10. Caliborn's Stories 11: Five Nights at Freddy's

8.11. Caliborn's Stories 12: Back to the Future

8.12. Caliborn's Stories 13: Inside Out

8.12. Caliborn's Stories 14: The Beginner's Guide

9. Eurovision fics

General information: I write stories parodying the Eurovision Song Contest, every year since 2014. It's a sore topic, since Lithuania will probably never win the contest.

9.1. Night Vale watches the Eurovision [2014]

9.2. Fandomvision Song Contest [2015]

9.3. Undervision - Snowdin 201X [2016]

9.4. Love Love Peace Peace on the Planet Earth [2017]

10. Rose Quartz Trilogy

General information: A set of Steven Universe fics that take place in different universes, yet are connected by a single theme: that there are certain worrying things to learn about Rose Quartz, namely that she resembles Marrissa Roberts way too much, that her leaving has severely damaged the Crystal Gems as a team and that she is an unhealthy role model for Steven.

10.1. Lion 3: Straight to Trollfic (also counted under the trollfic category)

10.2. Blooming Rose

10.3. Rose Quartz Universe Junior

11. Other fics (2011-2013)

General information: Everything else I'm writing that's fan fiction. They do not form a continuity, but all of my fanfics like to reference each other in twisted ways. Divided into three sections because in 2013 I decided to take a hiatus from (serious) fanfics and I feel that works before then and after then don't share a spirit.

11.1. The Co-op Bots

11.2. Division of Doom

11.3. A Horrible Freak of Nature

11.4. The Anvilicious Leaders

11.5. District 14

12. Other fics (2013-2015)

General information: Whoops, spirit change again. Calliope's Update Girl and Blooming Rose really taught me how to write filler.

12.1. Chronicles of Minebent

12.2. Bright yet Dark

12.3. The Untold Story of the Confusion Ending

12.4. The First Communication

12.5. Whispers through the Wall

12.6. Back to the Past: The Jennifer Parker Story

13. Other fics (2015-current)

13.1. CreativityTheEmotion Recounts (addendum: the Personality Islands list you're looking for)

14. Collaborations

General information: Simple as that: writing together with others. Knowing me, it won't happen very often.

14.1. Chapter 8 ("An Offer in Paris") of Prospit Nights

14.2. Assisting FanficLovingPerson on The Dewey Show Season 1: Forced on a Island

15. Upcoming fics/incomplete drafts

General information: Everything else I'm planning on - or was, but decided against - writing that's fan fiction.

15.1. Living Someone Else's Life (Spectators of the Host rewritten from Violet's perspective)

16. Non-fics

General information: Everything else I'm writing that relates to fan fiction and/or my fandoms, but isn't fan fiction itself, and hence isn't published here. I'm generally a busy guy girl when it comes to creativity and fandoms. Guess I didn't call myself "Business Magnet" for nothing. (Though, I'm increasingly starting to doubt the "Aperture Science" part.)

16.1. My Lithuanian translation of Homestuck

16.2. Sburb Fanventure Do's and Don'ts (I might end up categorizing it together with Bright yet Dark)

16.3. Hitler Space Program

16.3a. Andersen's Mind (which will actually be my flagship Inside Out series, rather than anything posted here) (related blog)

16.4. The many Tumblr blogs that I own: (other than the ones already linked)

16.4.1. Loreta Diamond (main)

16.4.2. Before I Listened to Night Vale (inactive)

16.4.3. ASBusinessMagnet plays Kerbal Space Program

16.4.4. Learning and Sburbing MST

16.4.5. A little something about Steven Universe fics (mostly) every day (feel free to request your own fic, as well as that of anyone else)

16.4.6. Can't Barrage the Farage

You are welcome to ask me to add anything that you think is suitable here. However, no copy-pastes, no questionnaires and no OC descriptions.