Vertimo perorganizavimas

Paskelbė ASBusinessMagnet 2014 m. rugsėjo 21 d.

Puslapiai, apie kuriuos reikia žinoti:
  • /?s=5 - naujoji "Homestuck" (Įstrigę namuose) vertimo versija, kuri galų gale visiškai pakeis senąją
  • /?s=1&p=2 - senoji "Homestuck" vertimo versija
  • /?s=2 - "Jailbreak" (Pabėgimas iš kalėjimo)
  • /?s=3 - "Bard Quest" (Bardo užduotis)
  • /?s=4 - "Problem Sleuth" (Problemų seklys)
  • /?view=consistency_check - Pastovumo patikra ("Homestuck" terminų vertimai, kurie bus taikomi komikso vertime)
  • /?view=lithuanian - vienintelis puslapis, svarbus angliškai kalbantiems - lietuvių kalbos istorija ir pagrindai - the only page relevant to English speakers - history and basics of the Lithuanian language


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Let's talk about where is headed for the 2020s
Paskelbė ASBusinessMagnet 2020 m. sausio 13 d.

and yeah, this is going to be typed up in English, because I literally Can't Be Bothered to type in Lithuanian

First things first, I... wouldn't really call myself a Homestuck fan anymore. I still played through Hiveswap, and at least tried to get into Friendsim Volume One, but beyond that, you couldn't make me care about the rest of Friendsims, the epilogues, Pesterquest or Homestuck^2. Therefore, making me sit through 800K words of a story I'm ambivalent at best about right now, and then translate them, is not the best idea.

Next up, and I'm going to be honest with you here, I'm not the right person for the task of translating Homestuck, and I never was. For one, being acquainted with English-language media for so long, I perceive any attempt to translate it to Lithuanian as Cringe, and odds are, even when I'm trying my earnest, said Cringe still persists. It's rather telling that instead of what should be the core aspect of the website, the translation of Homestuck, I instead direct my focus to fancy dialect generators, guides to the Lithuanian language and being obsessed with every other Homestuck translation project out there.

If time allows, I will eventually try my hand at translating in the opposite direction: from Lithuanian to English. However, the sort of stuff I find myself wanting to translate is dead tree books behind paywalls, not readily available Internet media, and the ways I publish the translations will need to be chosen accordingly.

That being said, I would just hand off the domain to someone who's both competent and willing to bring Homestuck to Lithuanian without being as idiosyncratic about it as I was, were it not for two tiny details:
1) I don't think such people even exist out there; finding more than a handful of Homestuck fans in the country is a chore, and to this date, I have not met a single one IRL
2) There is no way to guarantee, once I do hand off the domain to Aspiring Translator X, that they, in the long term, will allow me to keep my unique email address

At any rate, the jobs that await if the website is ever to be properly updated are:

1. The translation effort needs to be restarted, again
2. Potentially, not even the term translations I came up with for the Consistency Check can stay; some of them are good, but not all of them and Cringe is to be found
3. The website needs to be given a makeover to actually match (I think the old pages I created for database handling can stay, but only exclusively behind the scenes)

And... yeah, that's the down-low, I believe. TL;DR: this domain and the translation effort is up for grabs, given we (me and Aspiring Translator X) can work out all the details.

Komentarų: 10926
Išplėstinis zodiakas
Paskelbė ASBusinessMagnet 2017 m. gruodžio 1 d.

Testo klausimai ir variantai: yra

Visų ženklų pavadinimai: yra

Rezultatų vertimas: laukiama

Plėtinys, pakeičiantis anglišką tekstą lietuvišku:
  • "Google Chrome": progresas (1, 2)
  • "Mozilla Firefox": laukiama
  • "Microsoft Edge": ne

Komentarų: 10697
Perprogramuota svetainė
Paskelbė ASBusinessMagnet 2016 m. gegužės 11 d.

Kol išsiaiškinsiu, kaip veikia naujasis reCAPTCHA API, komentarai išjungti. lol komentarai įjungti

Komentarų: 8249
Ir toliau nieko nenutinka
Paskelbė ASBusinessMagnet 2015 m. balandžio 13 d.

17.01.18 - "==>"
17.01.18 - "Rose: Paimk mašiną."
17.01.12 - "==>"
17.01.12 - "VĖL DARYK TAI, KĄ SAKO PU..."
17.01.12 - "Rose: Nuimk Kryž-stūmiklį..."
17.01.12 - "==>"
17.01.12 - "==>"
17.01.12 - "Rose: Prototipuok dvasią ..."
17.01.11 - "==>"
16.11.26 - "PI: Įdėk plaukų smeigtuką..."
16.11.25 - "PI: Išgerk KARŠTO PADAŽO."
16.10.08 - "Rose: Prototipuok dvasią ..."
16.05.13 - "Rose: Patikrink baterijos..."
15.05.21 - "==>"
14.12.29 - "==>"
14.12.29 - "Po kelerių, bet nedaug, m..."
14.12.29 - "==>==>==>==>==>"
14.12.29 - "NE NEDARYK TO. NUŠOK NUO ..."
14.12.29 - "==>==>"
14.12.20 - "PI: Sifonuok skystį."
14.12.20 - "PI: Ieškok talpiklio, į k..."
14.12.20 - "PI: Kambaryje ieškok savo..."
14.12.20 - "PI: Išeik."
14.12.20 - "PI: Paprašyk elfo norų."
14.12.20 - "Toliau."
14.12.20 - "PI: Sudaužyk durų stiklą,..."
14.12.20 - "Toliau."
14.12.02 - "DABAR JĮ PAIMK."
14.12.02 - "GERAI. TĘSK TIEK, KIEK LE..."
14.12.02 - "==>"
14.12.02 - "MATAU. ==>?"
14.12.02 - "PALA. PAIMK TAI. MĖLYNĄ B..."

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